A2C Jerry R. Moon
KIA, Tuy Hoa Air Base
31st SPS, RVN

The night we all grew up...

by James H. Goldstein


31st APS Tuy Hoa, RVN July 9, 1967 - I was scrolling down the list of our honored dead on the VSPA VSPA Memorial Honor Roll page. I came across Jerry Moon's name and noticed that there was no information relating to his death. I was on duty with Jerry the night he was killed. Jerry and I were assigned to Tiger Flight, 1st, Squad (MSgt, Morgan's squad). Jerry was assigned that night to Gun Position (GP) 12 on the North perimeter. I was assigned to GP-20 on the West perimeter.

For the last several nights the local VC were testing our defenses, trying to infiltrate to the flight line, (just behind GP-12). I heard Jerry call in some possible activity in the Vietnamese village just opposite Jerry's position. The following is supposition, but it is believed that Jerry left his gun position to check out movement by the perimeter fence line. I heard him call for flares from the adjoining GP's. After the flares were launched, Jerry reported to the CP that he had several unknowns in between the 2nd and 3rd wires, (we had three lines of wire, 1st line outer, 3rd line inner). There was a short burst of weapons firing. The SAT found Jerry's body by the wire. He was shot twice, head and upper body. There was a blood trail leading away from the area but the SAT members could not follow it in the darkness. In the morning Lt. Col. Perkins ordered a search of the village. Some small arms were found with assorted ammo. But, no VC.

Jerry's death affected everyone on Tiger Flight. Until that night it was a great adventure. After Jerry's death it all became quite real to all of us. You might say we all grew up that night.

Jim Goldstein (Goldie)
31 APS, Tiger Flight
Tuy-Hoa, RVN
1966 - 1967



Memorial Photo of A2C Jerry Moon,
displayed at the Air Force Security Forces Museum at Lackland A.F.B., Texas.
Courtesy of:
Jeffrey C. Petty, MSgt, USAF
NCOIC, SF Investigations
22 Security Forces Squadron
McConnell AFB, KS 67221


Official Information

Purple Heart, Posthumously

A2C - Air Force - Regular
21 year old Married, Caucasian, Male
Born on Apr 10 1946
Length of service 2 years.
His tour of duty began on Dec 25 1966
Casualty was on Sep 07 1967
Body was recovered
Panel 26E - - Line 28

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