Getting Over Vietnam
Chaplain Steve Janke
483rd SPS, Cam Ranh Bay AB,
 K-9, 1970-1971

The war in Vietnam ended 24 years ago [April 15, 1975]. Many vets still suffer from their experiences. Many secular psychiatrists by their nature have chosen to ignore the reality of the spiritual dimension of man and by doing this they overlook the only resource that can achieve lasting results. The traumatic experiences of Job and King David are classic examples of how a man, with the help of God, can survive horrible trauma. David was a warrior who's "hands were stained with the blood of war', who was guilty of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, adultery and many other crimes, yet he was later declared to be, "a man after God's own heart." War experiences vary and impact the conscience and spirit of man and need a spiritual healing. Peace, which is so illusive to men of war, can only be achieved through knowing the Prince of Peace, Jesus the Messiah. Knowing the Lord can help us gain a new identity which helps us to be at peace with our Vietnam experience, there will still be tough times, but with His sustaining grace. The same peace is available to the many women who have known Vietnam vets. The time for tearing is past, the time for mending is now.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven
'a time to tear and a time to mend." (Eccies.3: 1,7)

(Portions of this article were written by Larry Haworth, Pointman Ministries)
 Reprinted from VSPA Guardmount - Jan 1999
Music & © 1998, by J. Eshleman, ll BMI
All music is played by permission of the composers and copyright holders.
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