Vietnam Security Police Association, Inc. (USAF).
VSPA Members Only!
VSPA Tattoo Master, Jack Smith
Jack Smith, LM 453 (RIP: 19 AUG 2021)
VSPA Tattoo Master
Tattoo sign

    VSPA receives requests to post Tattoos often, and we have found some guidelines are necessary. You can help reduce time-requirements for editing, and increase the likelihood your tattoo(s) be posted, by complying with the following guidelines and requirements:

    • Edwin Smith, VSPA Tattoo Master: All tattoos MUST be submitted for review and suitability.
    • VSPA Tattoos most must comply with family-rated standards. X-rated, or other inappropriate tattoos will not be posted at VSPA.
    • Non VSPA member tattoos submited will not be posted.

    • No profanity -- no exceptions (And yes, I know that's how we spoke as youngsters at war). No racial remarks (including "gook")---no exceptions.

    • Text: Stories must be written with upper and lower case letters. Stories submitted in all "UPPER CASE" or all "lower case" letters will not be read nor published!

    • Tattoo Photo Format: Send as many as you want via email to Ed Smith.

    • Vertical Photos: If you turned your camera "vertical" and took a photo, then ROTATE it Horizontal before submitting it.
    • Do Not send in tattoo photos embedded within a word processor's word document files. Send the images separate from the word document. Attach both to your email. Captions within the email or on a page referencing the images to the captions.

    • Zipping your Photos would help the download time for me. Send up to 1MB at a time. Do not send a Bazzillion MB at one time.

    • Tattoo Photo naming conventions : You can help by renaming each of your images so as to contain your name!

    • By submitting and posting your tattoos photos to VSPA, you agree that VSPA may post these items online, at Guardmount Edition publication, or in book form, as necessary to meet the goals of this association. As author/photographer, you retain the copyright. Generally, requests to print or republish articles, stories and photos, are referred to the author/photographer for permission. You agree that if your on file email is not current, and VSPA is not able to contact you, that permission to print or republish your submitted article, stories and photos may be granted as VSPA deems appropriate.

    • Ready to Submit your Tattoo Photos?

    • One more thing: Patience please! There are a ton of stories and Tattoo photos ahead of you... but they will all be posted, including yours! However, if you ignore all the items guidelines above that are designed to expedite posting your project may set a while. It takes time to do-it-right.

    • VSPA Reserves the right to change the above guidelines at any time without notice, and to refuse tattoo photos deemed inappropriate. We Take Care of Our Own
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© Vietnam Security Police Association, Inc. (USAF) 1995-2023,
Incorporated as a 501©(3)(19) Tax Exempt (non profit) Veteran's Organization. All Rights Reserved.