vspa.com"When will you forgive and forget the Vietnam War protesters?"

Vietnam War poet:
© 2000,
Jack R. Kays


They gathered in the streets and in the coffee house across this great land, where they plotted and planned.
crusaded, yelled, cursed and in open defiance burned their draft cards in hand.
brazenly waved the enemy's flag in our face.
shouted, "It's not our damn war, we won't go!"
spit on and burned the Red, White and Blue and yelled "F---- you!" too.
POW's under went brutal, intense and prolonged agony, and this man has the audacity to ask me? When?"
made fun of the MIA's and spit on the returning WIA's and shouted, "Baby Killers!"
screamed their approval when Jane Fonda sat on the AAA gun in Hanoi and thumbed her nose
at our fighting men and women.

I can think of over Fifty Eight thousand reasons for not forgiving or forgetting. And they are all inscribed on a cold black granite wall. And that man has the audacity to ask me: When?

Then, like cowards:
They ran and hid-out in all four corners of the earth to keep out of harms way.

When it was all over,
They sneaked back into the good old US of A under the protection of the highest office of the land.
"That was an unjust war!" was the lame excuse they used to justify their immoral sin.

I ask, "Who gave them a choice?" No one gave you or me a choice! It was our duty, and it was the law of the land.

Now, today, this man has the audacity to ask me, "WHEN am I going to forget and forgive?"
Well, let me tell you something my friend:
I have the tenacity to answer this question once and for all!


When the world cracks at both ends and the seven seas run in.

When snow cap mountains rise from the bowels of hell.

When all the stars have fallen from the heavens.

When time stands still.

Not yesterday, not today and not tomorrow--but never!

They have perpetrated an unforgivable sin.
I hope to live to see the day ...
When they are all ... just dust in the wind.

Jackie R. Kays
35th APS
Da Nang, AB - 1965



FYI: Hi Guys, A couple of months ago, I ran an article on the web, entitled:"Vietnam War Defectors" I received several positive messages in regards to that article. A few days ago, out of the blue came an E-mail response to the article. I won't bore you with the details of the message, but it was chastising and dripping with sarcasm about the article. Sarcasm runs off of me like water on a duck back. But, one question he asked stuck in my proverbial craw. It was: "When are you going to forgive and forget the Vietnam War protesters?"

I answered with the above heart-felt little poem.

Jackie R. Kays